Friday, April 8, 2011

Kilili Celebrates the 169th Birthday of The Relief Society

March 22nd we were invited to join the Kilili Branch in celebrating the Birthday of the creation of the Relief Society Organization of the church. The sisters had planned a very complete and fun program in which some of them role played situations depicting the different purposes of the Relief Society. Still other sisters took turns role playing the different past Relief Society Presidents. Not to leave out some of the older sisters who were not able to participate because of their limited knowledge of English, they went out in the courtyard where these sisters were able to celebrate with dance.

The Kilili Branch Relief Society Presidency

Here one of the older sisters expresses herself in dance.

They involved members of the priesthood leadership who had been invited to join in their celebration.

Birthday cakes that Sister Nevin made for the occasion.

The celebration ended with refreshments-their favorite, a loaf of white bread and a soda.

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