The general schedule for the visit was:
Day 1-arrive, check in and settle into rooms, be oriented to the facilities, given the schedule, explore the campus, and then have dinner and visit.
Day2-early breakfast, parents go to Family History Center to confirm and research their family records then over to the Temple to verify the work to be done, a brief lunch break, then back to the Temple for initiatory work, then the endowment ceremony, followed by sealing of living family members and finally dinner. Most of this time the children were with us going on nature walks in the garden, touring the temple grounds and playing games in the cafeteria. In the late afternoon the children were taken to the Gatehouse Building to dress in white for the sealing to their parents ceremony. One of the richest blessings for us was to be able to witness the sealing of each family together over the alter. That image is so sacred to describe in a public forum but will be etched in our memories forever.
Day 3-After breakfast, more Family history, baptisms for deceased ancestors, lunch, other ordinances for their deceased ancestors, dinner, sealing of deceased ancestors.
This is the front of the Patron Housing Unit. This building also housed the Patron housing Office, Employment Office, The Family History Center, The Distribution Center and Cafeteria.
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