Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Greetings to our family and friends
We were feeling a bit guilty since we had not shared anything on this blog since clear back in June. We have never been busier! Sorry that the narrative is a bit sketchy and the sequence is not very sequential but at least these pictures will give you a glimpse at what we are experiencing here in Kenya. Despite our 10-14 hour days 7 days a week, we feel that we are living a dream. No picture or narrative could ever communicate what we are experiencing here. In fact, most of these pictures are merely what we see as we are coming and going to what we we really do all day. We hope you will enjoy. We send our love and hope some of you will have a minute to drop us a line.
October brings weddings
We were invited to attend the wedding of Peter and Pauline the first weekend of October. Then again a week later we witnessed the civil marriage of two couples preparing to go to the Johannesburg Temple to be sealed.
These two couples are from the Kilili Branch. They are doing the final preparations for their trip to the Johannesburg Temple.
This young couple is Peter and Pauline. Peter worked in the Distribution Center for over a year. He is finishing up a degree in accounting at a local university. Recently he was hired by a large company that manufactures bio-fuel on the east coast. He asked us to take pictures of their wedding. Another senior couple-the Byrds were also invited ato help photograph the wedding.
Two more couples come and Faith leaves on her mission
Later in September two more senior couples join us: the Babcocks, who will serve in Eldoret, and the Schwabs who will serve in Chyulu. President an Sister Broadbent took the Babcocks to Eldoret when they went of a conference and we took the Schwabs to Chyulu. Chyulu has so many humble people that we have come to know and love. We envy the Schwabs. Back in Kilili we say goodbye to our most recent Missionary leaving from the branch. She is well prepared to teach!
Karen shares another kanga with Faith it is a sign of friendship.
Here are the Schwabs as they meet the missionaries they will live next to. We have already recognized how well prepared the Schwabs are for their call. They even purchased bike so that they could join the young missionaries as they visit the people in remote areas.
Monday, October 17, 2011
September Couples Conference at Lake Nakuru Park
Twice a year all of the senior couples serving in the mission come together for a conference at a major game park. The first weekend of September was our conference which was held at Lake Nakuru National Park. We have meetings to discuss important issues, but the primary purpose is for the couples, who serve in remote areas throughout Kenya and Tanzania, to enjoy time together. We also went on several game drives within the park over the two days.
This 3 meter Python crossed the road as we were on one of our drives. Unfortunately Karen and I were the only ones who saw it before it disappeared in the grass.
Kilili Branch's Newest Missionary
Catherine's missionary farewell was on Sunday August 21st. A great number of friends and family came to see her off. She reports to the Provo MTC was on August 23rd, where she will be prepared to serve in the Arizona Mesa Mission.
Here Catherine poses with her best friend Faith who is also going on a mission to Uganda.
August also brings Mormon Helping Hands Day
African Mormon Helping Hands Day was on Saturday August 20th this year. This is a continent wide service day in which every LDS Church Unit in all of Africa plans a service project which benefits their community. Our branch chose to clean the village center. The turn out was very good.
Here Faith sweeps trash into a pile to be burned.
Early August Brings Audits
In August we did some traveling to the north Kenya towns of Kisumu and Busia to perform a semiannual audit of their financial books. Although audits are not that exciting, the drive to these communities is exciting. The road passes through some especially scenic areas. The Kericho area has expansive tea fields and beautiful mountainous green family farms.
Here are two young boys selling the produce from their family's farm.
Transfer week in July brings hellos and goodbyes
Later in July we had another transfer week. We enjoy the excitement of transfer week , but as I have stated before not only do we greet new missionaries coming into the mission, but sadly we also have to say goodbye to several of the missionaries we have come to love, who are returning home to their families. We took a new senior missionary couple the Halls to visit one of the branches in the Kilungu Hills where they will be serving.
This is Karen with Purity a young girl that she has bonded with in the Ilima Branch.
Here the Halls attend their first baptism in Africa. The young man in white with his arms crossed is about to go on a mission and on this day he is baptizing his mother and two other young boys. Also pictured are the two companionships of Elder who serve in the Hills.
One of the traditions in the mission is for departing young missionaries to go on a Safari at the nearby Nairobi Game Park. We were asked to take them on this day since President and Sister Broadbent were traveling out of town. These two Elders pose by the Hippo Pond. Ironically there were no Hippos at the Hippo Pond but there were two large Crocodiles that you can see over Elder Weech's right shoulder on the far bank of the pond. Out of the picture is the armed guard who escorted us to the pond. Elder Weech is from our home in the Gila Valley, Arizona. Elder Mdlalose was returning home to South Africa
This big male lion was napping only about 10 meters from the road. He woke up long enough to check us out and then went back to sleep. Much like dogs, lions spend a major portion of their day sleeping
Get away to Aberdare National Park
Wow it has been too long since I last posted anything here. I will try to catch you up. In July a few of the couples went to Aberdare Park for a weekend get-away. Although we had been to the park previously, this time we stayed overnight inside the park at the Ark Lodge.
This is us at the Park Entrance. This is a Convention Center just outside of the park at which we had lunch before entering the Park.
This is the Ark Lodge inside of Aberdare Park.
Karen's favorite animal is the Giraffe. She got excited when we spotted this family of Reticulated Giraffes
Three siblings posing together

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